He’s just next door at the moment, meeting up with whichever God of the Day is trending on his final opus of Godchecker. The Man the dictionary can only call ‘Chaos Saunters’, had an earlier foray on to the internet, way back when the internet was just becoming popular with 21st century folk.
This is a starting page to start digitising letters, poems and general miskellanyhouse that Chas sent and gave me over the years….Pubology pages to be published soon, but scanning in some scathingly funny poetry is a complete and utter pleasure and deserves to be put up first.

Yorkshire's First Blues Singer, Champion Jack Dupreee About to Sing ' On Ilkley Moor Blues'
Friends and Family are all welcome to contribute, I’ll be putting up a form to register up with, or just email me: soulboyluis at gmail.com